Three Simple Ways to Organize your Office in the New Year


A New Year brings a new you. But if you haven’t caught the wave of January motivation, tidying your office can feel like a daunting task, especially if you’ve let those papers stack up. However, tidying up doesn’t have to take days; a few minutes each day is all that is needed to make for a more productive working environment. If you’re ready to transform your office into a more efficient workspace for 2017, you can start with these steps:


1.Throw away something each day


Chances are, you have files that you haven’t touched in months or countless pens that have dried up in drawers. Aim to throw away at least one useless item a day; they’ll all add up in no time.


  1. Invest in magazine racks


Magazine racks are super cheap, can be picked up at most supermarkets, and are incredibly useful when creating a tidier workspace. Sort your sheets into relevant categories and pop them into the racks. Not only will you located things more quickly, but you’ll also be amazed at how such a small change can free up so much space.


  1. If you don’t use it every day, put it away


Take a quick look at each item on your desk. Have you used it in the last week? If the answer is no, store or file it away. Keeping only the essentials close at hand will help you declutter.


These easy tasks, when performed daily, will give you a perfect, mess-free office. You’ll spend less time searching for things and more time getting work done in 2017!